Agile Organization | Scrum at Scale | CI Agile

For Business leaders and managers to learn professional Agile leadership

This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Agile At Scale and how it can be leveraged to improve business outcomes. Participants will gain a deep understanding of what Scrum and Agile leadership mean at the team and organization level, and the practical steps involved in getting started with Scrum@Scale framework, the fastest-growing Business Agility framework in the world.

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Make impactful discovery.

Discover how the best companies in the world leverage revolutionary Agile techniques to innovate, deliver and win in today's competitives market.

Join the ranks of global leaders in innovation!

Begin your journey to mastering the Scrum@Scale framework for a successful Agile transformation.

Lead the change TODAY.

Maximising Business Agility in the new landscape.

Tesla market cap just surpassed the top 5 rivals combined.

Tesla's victory is a lesson to all.

  • Tesla Inc. surpassed $1 trillion in market valuye on Monday, overshadowing the combined value of five of its biggest rivals. Toyota Motor Corp., Volkswagen AG, Daimler AG., Ford Motor Co. and General Motors - Oct 26, 2021 (Reuters)
  • The maker of the Model 3 sedan - the top-selling electric car worldwide - is now the second-fastest company ever to reach this mark, taking just over 11 years since its public debut in June 2010 - Oct 25, 2021 (Bloomberg)
Only 17% of leading companies will be leaders 5 years from now.

"These companies, including organizations like Apple and Alphabet, continually find new sources of competitive advantage by reinventing their businesses and adapting to evolving market conditions.

- January 09, 2020 (MIT Sloan Management Review Research Highlight)

Witness an eye opening journey
to deliver better results!

Our comprehensive training program introduces modern new Agile techniques to business leaders and managers, and everything from the basics of solving common work challenges to advance topics that will help you create products that best fits your customers.

You'll learn from experienced practitioners, and have the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills immediately to your organization.

Design Thinking

Explore the customers' problems

Design thinking
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Lean Startup

Build the right product

Lean startup
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Build the product right

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The fastest-growing business agility framework

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Learn from the Source.
Learn from the Proven Trainer.

Our trainer, Ethan Soo, has more than 20 years of experience in Agile transformation and training. He has successfully trained numerous top clients across various industries. Ethan gained his Agile expertise directly from Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the mastermind behind Scrum@Scale and co-creator of Scrum.

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Jeff Sutherland and Ethan Soo

Harness the knowledge of their success.

Airbnb logo

Uses Design Thinking

To transformed from a failing startup to a billion dollar business.

General Electric logo

Uses Lean-Startup

To save 80% in development cost.

Rocket Martgage

Uses Design Thinking

To transformed from a failing startup to a billion dollar business.


years of management know-how.
Culminates here.



Toyota Production system Beyond Large-Scale Production by Taiichi Ohno cover



Scrum Guide cover



Agile Manifesto cover



Twice The Work In Half The Time book cover



Scrum@Scale Guide cover
Designed for Business Leaders and Managers to up-skill and conquer new Challenges.


2-Day Face-to-Face
Bangkok, Thailand
THB 48,450
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From Diverse Background

Bank of China
Bank Islam
POS Aviation
Thai Life
Axons Technology
Thai Credit
ST Engineering
MSB Bank
SF Express
Viettel Security

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Don't hesitate! Start the path to successful Agile transformation.

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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

Participants will earn Registered Scrum@Scale Fundamental credential issued by Scrum Inc after passing assessment within 30 days after class.

This credential certified the participant knows the core, fundamental aspects of the Scrum@Scale framework and understand the main mega-issues that plague underperforming organizations everywhere. Scrum@Scale is an extension of the core Scrum framework. It allows you to scale any Agile implementation in a way that is tailored to the unique needs of your company.

This Agile leadership course is perfect for corporate executives, Agile leaders and Agile coaches.

In today’s dynamic business landscape, adaptability is crucial. Scrum@Scale equips leaders with tools to adjust swiftly. Whether it’s shifting priorities, market disruptions, or evolving customer demands, this framework keeps the organization ready. It streamlines processes, eliminates bottlenecks, and ensures everyone rows in the same direction. It’s about doing the right things effectively, not just doing more. The framework aligns teams toward delivering value that truly matters to customers. Scrum@Scale isn’t a top-down mandate; it’s a collaborative dance. Leaders become facilitators, removing obstacles and empowering teams.

Scrum@Scale is like a flexible toolkit for scaling Agile practices. It extends existing Scrum roles and encourages collaboration across teams. It’s adaptable and works well in diverse contexts. SAFe, on the other hand, is more structured. It introduces many new roles and aligns practices across different organizational levels. It’s like a comprehensive blueprint for scaling Agile, but it can be less flexible.

Scrum is a framework that helps individual teams work efficiently toward a common goal. It’s about developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products within a single team. Now, enter Scrum@Scale. Unlike Scrum’s focus on individual teams, Scrum@Scale zooms out to transform the entire organizational culture. Developed by Dr. Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum, Scrum@Scale extends the core Scrum framework.

Scrum@Scale treats your organization as an interconnected ecosystem. Everyone becomes part of interchangeable Scrum teams. These teams form networks based on goals, creating an adaptive, scalable structure. Scrum@Scale isn’t just for startups; it’s designed for large enterprises. It scales across industries—software, hardware, services, R&D, you name it. Training and certification options ensure smooth adoption. Just like Scrum, Scrum@Scale fosters a value-driven culture at every level. This organization Agility framework avoids extra complexity when adding teams. Think of it as scaling from a team to a network of teams seamlessly. Scrum@Scale tackles a critical challenge: prioritizing effectively with limited resources. It combines agility with minimal bureaucracy (MVB), maintaining efficiency without stifling creativity.