What is the career path of a Scrum Master?

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That depends on whether you're practicing True Scrum - Scrum as invented by Dr. Jeff Sutherland, or you're just doing anything that you like and call it Scrum.

For the past three years in the US and Europe, Dr. Sutherland told us he witnessed tens of thousands of Scrum Masters getting fired. For example, Capitol One Bank, a significant bank in the US, has just done so.

True Scrum is to deliver tangible business outcomes for your company. Hence, a Scrum Master practicing True Scrum is a "leader who serves" that drives team results, delivering impactful business outcomes. Once you're good at that, you can think about being a Scrum Master at a scaled level, a Scrum-of-Scrum Master.

Instead of driving a team, Scrum-of-Scrum Master drives a system of collaborating teams, or teams of teams, to deliver impactful business outcomes.

The next step will be a Transformation Lead or the head of the Agile Practice.

There are endless ways to contribute to your company's revenue, cost, and product success. It would be best to find what's appropriate and meaningful for you so you won't regret spending that time of your life.

Please stop collecting endless Agile certificates, and stop using Agile to gain fame.

Please work hard to help your company succeed: Revenue goes up, costs come down, and customers love your product.

You will have sweat and tears when doing so. And you will be frustrated when things are not moving in your desired direction. Sometimes, you even want to give up.

But what a rewarding career you will have.

That's the way of a Scrum Master.

From Bad Scrum
to True Scrum eBook

If you are practicing Scrum but not seeing desired results, this book is for you.
This book provides crucial True Scrum knowledge that
yields immediate results!

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