For beginners to understand the fundamental concepts of Agile & Scrum.

Agile methods and the Scrum Framework are innovative new methods of working used by leading companies worldwide to create exciting products. This 1-day course provides participants with the knowledge and skills required to apply Agile and Scrum to their work and helps them understand how these methodologies can benefit their organisations. Get introduced to Design Thinking, Lean Startup and use them in your Agile development cycle.

Enquire Now

Training Focus

1-Day crash course to learn design thinking, lean startup, Scrum and Agile. Able to start working in Agile & Scrum immediately after class.

Enjoy A Highly-Interactive Learning

This course is designed to encourage a hands-on learning approach. Students work in teams to identify problems in a real case study and work together to solve them.

At The End Of This Course,
You Will Be Able To

Not Sure If You'll Benefit From This Course?

Here Is What They Said...

Ready to unlock your team's full potential with Agile & Scrum methodologies?

Reach out to us today to learn more about our tailored corporate training solutions and start on the journey towards unparalleled success in your projects!

Course Outline

Morning Session

Design Thinking

Explore The Customers' Problems

Design Thinking

Lean Startup

Build The Right Product

Lean Startup

Agile Mindset

Build The Product Right

Agile Mindset

Afternoon Session

Scrum Framework

Scrum Framework


Kanban Method

Who Should Attend

Meet Our Clients

From Diverse Background

Bank of China
Bank Islam
POS Aviation
Thai Life
Axons Technology
Thai Credit
ST Engineering
MSB Bank
SF Express
Viettel Security


1-Day Face-to-Face

Agile & Scrum-The Perfect Starter Course is conducted in exclusive private class setting.

Please contact us to enquire and get more information.

Speak with an expert

Our team can help you:
  • Explore how our course can answer some of your pain points.
  • Understand more in-depth what you will learn.
  • Find out other courses and class arrangement, like private class.
Enterprise purchase discount is available. Let us help you to plan.
Talk to us

True Scrum

is Good Scrum

True Scrum is the original Scrum invented by Dr. Jeff Sutherland in 1993 to deliver real business value. Three essentials in Scrum that have contributed to the effectiveness of the entire framework.

Dr Jeff Sutherland


With Lean, your team can work on things that matter and produce high-quality products that customers love in less time.


Research shows that happier people are more productive. True Scrum uses hyper-productive patterns to build genuinely effective Scrum teams.

Linear scalability

Achieve linear scalability without losing productivity per team and introducing extra overheads and wastes into the system.

Grab the FREE eBook Now!

The essential knowledge to improve your Scrum effectiveness was published for the first time ever.
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LEARN True Scrum
AS It Was Invented

NOT How It Was Commercialized