Results-Oriented Vs. Process Oriented Scrum. Understand The Difference!

Results-Oriented Vs. Process Oriented Scrum

When Dr. Sutherland created Scrum, he had one goal: to transform traditional teams into results-driven, high-performing teams. His top priority was finding a better way to resolve issues of overbudgeting and overdue projects.

So, he focused on delivering business outcomes by enabling hyper-productive teams. By simplifying roles, work procedures, and work collaboration, he designed the Scrum framework to increase team productivity exponentially. To everyone’s surprise, the first Scrum team successfully delivered 10x the value in 1/10th of the time.

Dr. Sutherland hoped that Scrum would provide a certain degree of industry adaptability and potential for personalization. Although its implementation started in the software industry, it would eventually be adopted across various sectors and disciplines.

With the growing popularity of Scrum, many began adopting its processes, tools, and framework. Despite their determination, new Agile practitioners and teams struggled to deliver more twice the value in half the time.

There are four main problems to enable hyper-productive teams:

  • The Agile mindset
  • How to create a team
  • Managing requirements
  • Running efficient production

If you can solve these issues, you have better chances of assembling a highly effective team!

Let’s take a company that practices Daily Scrum, for example. In this team, all members casually report their work progress without thinking about the end goal of delivering business results. Instead of turning Scrum into a system that generates results, tasks are done at random - without prioritisation, and the results are entirely ignored. If a company doing Scrum conducts daily Scrum without committing to delivering any real value, this Scrum is essentially useless.

This team had neglected the importance of being focused on delivering business outcomes - the very core of Scrum and the Agile mindset!

Dr. Sutherland highlights this process-oriented Scrum as being ineffective. He went as far as labelling it ‘California Scrum’, different from the result-oriented Scrum he created in the first place.

Meanwhile, a team that applies results-oriented Scrum will execute this event by focusing on the big picture and syncing the information necessary to generate transparency and adjust their priorities so they can deliver the Sprint goal. As a team, they will follow up with small-group discussions to actively eliminate impediments. They are committed to achieving results.

Successful Scrum adoption should create more sales and revenue, making happier customers willing to buy more. The system must work from top to bottom to get the real results-oriented Scrum.

To learn more about original Scrum knowledge that delivers, you can download the Free "From Bad Scrum to True Scrum" ebook , it will help you overcome bad Scrum Practices and achieve real results with True Scrum.