Meet Southeast Asia's Best Certified Agile & Scrum Courses.

If you have been searching for the best Agile & Scrum classes for your senior management, project, product managers, and engineers, you have come to the right place.

In 2023, we are the best-selling in Thailand, the most-loved face-to-face certified Scrum course in Singapore, and the highest-rated Agile Scrum course in Malaysia.

Every classes is nothing short of a stellar 5-star, with countless student postings on Linkedin and Facebook.

Endorsed By The Inventor of
Agile & Scrum.

We are the first and only company in Southeast Asia that Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the inventor of Scrum and Scrum@Scale, endorses.

All of our learning curricula are based on the original material created by Dr. Sutherland. Unlike other training vendors, we represent the Source of the Agile & Scrum knowledge as the Regional Partner of Scrum Inc. AEP program in Asia.

CI Agile is the choice if you believe in buying and using originals.


A Best-In-Class Learning Experience

Please don't take our word for it! Look at the 5-star ratings and student comments in every class we run - Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, or Korea.

Your stakeholders will thank you for recommending our Agile certification course to them!

Students love the class because they are:

  • Well-designed
  • Comprehensive - Deliver Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team members knowledge in 1 class.
  • Engaging - Driven by interactive workshops
  • Practical and immediately usable
  • Internationally acclaimed certification

Most importantly, they are fun!

Preferred by Agilist.

They are the pioneers and early adopters. They have enjoyed convincing results with Dr. Sutherland's Agile & Scrum knowledge.

This is because our methodologies work!

Companies that are serious about Agile, have considerable resources to choose any training vendor they could - Selected us.

Prasarana Mimos TNB
Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad MDEC Setel
K Bank CJ Express Krungsri Bank
AIS AIA Thai Bangkok Bank
DBS GovTech OCBC Bank
NUS Sinagpore Navy Workforce Singapore

What Made Us Unique?

Apple logo

True and original.
With many learning options, it is hard to tell which training vendor actually does a good job.

CI Agile is not such a training vendor. We are the originals, the Source of the Agile & Scrum knowledge. Whereas training companies deliver training for profits, we deliver training to protect our legacy.

You can expect students to learn the knowledge and skills as designed by Dr. Jeff Sutherland, not as commercialized by other training vendors.

Credit Card

Only trainers with real success stories
Anyone can be a trainer. There are different levels of trainers in the Agile industry. Selecting the right trainer is an important consideration when choosing a training because the quality of the trainer directly affects the learning outcome. If you are new to Agile training, here is a quick article to help you get started: Read more on Different Level of Trainers.

At Ci Agile, we will select the best trainer with our industry experience and global network. This is a substantial advantage for you. Other commercial training vendors usually recommend trainers with the lowest cost to them to earn the highest margin. They may have a limited recommendation choice because of their small trainer pool.

Working with us is Simple and Effective.

Class in Nanyang Technology University
Delivered at Nanyang Technology University, Singapore.
Class in Nanyang Technology University
Delivered at Nanyang Technology University, Singapore.
Class in JW Marriott Bangkok
Delivered at JW Marriott Bangkok, Thailand.
Class in JW Marriott Bangkok
Delivered at JW Marriott Bangkok, Thailand.
Class in JW Marriott Bangkok
Delivered at St Giles Gardens Hotel, Malaysia.
Class in St Giles Gardens Hotel
Delivered at St Giles Gardens Hotel, Malaysia.


Outcome-focused learning paths.
Students will acquire the skills to implement an Agile & Scrum work system immediately. We designed curriculum-based learning with hands-on exercises targeting key workplace skills for maximum impact. We encourage graduating students to implement the system at work immediately as a mean of continuous learning.


Shortest time and lowest cost.
Our system includes a 3-day course to learn about the Scrum Framework, the practical skillset for Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Team members, whereas others will need 4 - 6 courses to provide equivalent amount of skills.


Education meets entertainment.
Our courses feature premium content delivered through a storytelling learning model that maximizes engagement and recall. The courses are designed with engaging workshops that are both fun and practical.

A Complete Solution to Upskill your Workforce, with Proven Result

We compliment training with impactful coaching and mentoring services to support your Agile & Scrum transformation.

With over 20 years of leading challenging transformation at multinational and domestic level, our pragmatic approach with Dr. Jeff Sutherland's True Scrum is the ally you can count on.

Here are some of the case studies you can refer to.



Need improvement in product quality and speed in delivery. Insufficient collaboration between inter-department. Lack of usage and integration of the tools in developer.

Key Results

  • 84.6% decrease in delivery lead time (169 -> 26 days)
  • 81.6% decrease in bugs (71.1->13.07/1000FP)
  • Substantially improved CX in BAU business


Insufficient collaboration, waterfall methodology, tried Scrum but not working.

Key Results:

  • Support 100 million per month business with creative solution beyond call of duty
  • Faster customer response time
Read more


Decided to make a holistic transformation from every aspect of the group's work by choosing the right Scrum@Scale framework that fit to scale across IT and its business.

Key Results

  • Boosted enterprise output by 165%
  • Reduced time-to-market by 63%
  • Reduced labour cost by 20%
Read more


The conventional wisdom of many Agilists is that Scaled Agile and Scaled Scrum are incompatible.

Key Results

  • Reduced average feature cycle time from 83.7 days to 11.6 days
  • Increased feature delivery by 721%
Read more

I Have Questions!

Let's Get Started

Agile Transformation sounds complicated.
Don't worry - we will answer your question with confidence!

We are available on Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm (MYT)
We will make every effort to reach you within 24 hours.

Friendly Agile education & transformation consultant

There Are More That You Can Do

Here are some channels to get to know us more.

Call or WhatsApp
Ebook Cover-From Bad Scrum To True Scrum
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FREE Ebook

2024 Course Dates

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Registered Scrum Master & Product Owner

June 10 - 12, July 30 - 31, September 3 - 5, October 22 - 23, December 3 - 5

Agile Leadership & Transformation with Scrum@Scale Framework

June 13, August 1, 24 October


Registered Scrum Master & Product Owner

July 23 - 25, September 11 - 13, November 20 - 22

Agile Leadership & Transformation with Scrum@Scale Framework

July 26

Bangkok, Thailand

Registered Scrum Master & Product Owner

July 16 - 18, October 31 - November 1

Seoul, South Korea

Registered Scrum Master & Product Owner

July 10 - 12

Jakarta, Indonesia

Registered Scrum Master & Product Owner

August 21 - 22, November 12 - 13

Agile Leadership & Transformation with Scrum@Scale Framework

November 14

Join the True Practitioners

Work with us.

Like others from 600+ different companies.
From Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
And many other organizations across the world.

Let's Get Started!

Bank of China
Bank Islam
POS Aviation
Thai Life
Axons Technology
Thai Credit
ST Engineering
MSB Bank
SF Express
Viettel Security